Croquettes pour chiens adulte au canard - Jack et Dolly - 12 kg

Product characteristics

Common name: Croquettes pour chiens adulte au canard Jack et Dolly

Quantity: 12 kg

Packaging: 12 kg, Sac

Brands: Jack et Dolly

Categories: Dog-and-cat-food, Dog food, Dry-food, Dry Dog Food, Dry pet food, Pet food

Labels, certifications, awards: Nutriscore

Origin of ingredients: Grande Bretagne

Manufacturing or processing places: Grande Bretagne

Stores: Jack et Dolly

Countries where sold: France


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Canard frais 52%, porc déshydratée 11%, dinde fraîche 6%, Boeuf frais 5%, Boeuf Angus frais 4%, bouillon de dinde 2%, patate douce 7%, pulpe de betterave, tapioca, lentilles, pois chiches, bouillon de légumes, citrouille séchée, carotte séchée, épinards séchés

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Nutrition facts

Nutrient levels for 100 g

high quantity23 g Fat in high quantity

Comparison to average values of products in the same category:

(62 products)
(130 products)
(327 products)
(564 products)
(683 products)
(1714 products)

→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.

Nutrition facts As sold
for 100 g / 100 ml
Dry-foodDry Dog FoodDry pet foodDog-and-cat-foodDog foodPet food
Energy (kJ) ????641 kj??
Energy (kcal) 411 kcal??+167%+296%+439%+835%
Energy 1,720 kj
(411 kcal)
Fat 23 g?+69%+74%+167%+168%+158%
Carbohydrates 24 g?+288%+366%+1,094%+733%+398%
Fibers 3 g?-34%-4%+48%-27%-13%
Proteins 33 g?+40%+24%+84%+85%+72%

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors.
Last edit of product page on by product-scanner.
Product page also edited by jacketdolly, roboto-app, sebleouf.

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